The introduction of electronic arrest of funds contained in the accounts of the debtor in banks and other financial institutions is one of the priority steps of the reform of enforcement of decisions and other bodies, as Ukraine has committed to the International Monetary Fund for the adoption of a law that automates the process of collection and compulsory debt collection.
Let us remind you that a month ago, the Law of Ukraine "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine on Strengthening the Protection of the Right of the Child to Proper Maintenance by Improving the Procedure for Compulsory Recovery of Arrears for Payment of Alimony" came into force on December 7, 2017, No. 2234-VIII.
The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine introduced the Draft Code of Ukraine on Bankruptcy Procedure No. 8060. 26 people's deputies of Ukraine, led by Andriy Ivanchuk and Ruslan Sidorovich, spoke at the forefront. The text of the project is available on the Parliament's website.
In order to minimize the budget expenditures for execution of executive actions, in order to secure financing of these costs in the activities of a private performer, the legislator provides for the mandatory advance payment of the costs incurred for the execution of executive actions.
Within the framework of the nationwide law-drafting project of the Ministry of Justice, "I AM LAW!" A new direction has begun, which will provide Ukrainians with comprehensive information on how to exercise their right to execute a court decision.