Within the framework of the nationwide law-drafting project of the Ministry of Justice, "I AM LAW!" A new direction has begun, which will provide Ukrainians with comprehensive information on how to exercise their right to execute a court decision.
The first informational materials were developed, which can be found on the site "I MAKE THE RIGHT!" Pravo.minjust.gov.ua. Also within the framework of the project, law-enforcement actions, seminars, legal advices and visits of mobile groups throughout Ukraine are regularly held.
Judicial experts and the legal aid system explain who the payer is, what steps to take to comply with a court decision, which data should contain an enforcement record and how to get the award.
For debtors, a step-by-step guide is also developed, which informs them of the necessary steps after the opening of enforcement proceedings, as well as clarifies the responsibility for non-enforcement of the court's decision.
"This is a guide where everyone can get answers to specific questions related to the enforcement of court decisions in Ukraine. This is not just an explanation of fundamental rights and freedoms, but useful, practical advice on how to protect these rights, "said Svitlana Glushchenko, Deputy Minister of Justice.
An important part of the new initiative is the open Debtors' Register and the published list of debtors to pay alimony - the so-called # Boards of Ganbi. Illumination of the names of non-payers should encourage bad debtors not to leave their children without legal payments.
In addition, mobile sub-dividend groups have begun to operate across the country, which will carry out a regular review of enforcement procedures for recovering funds from unscrupulous debtors in the regions. Such groups are already working in the Kyiv and Zaporizhzhia regions.
Starting from March 6, the system of monthly monitoring begins, as the law in force in the real life acts to strengthen the responsibility of malicious insolvent alimony, and statistics and indicators by regions will be regularly made public through the official channels of communication of the Ministry of Justice.
An important part of the work in this direction is the struggle with the enterprises-debtors on wages. So, last year, state executives of the Ministry of Justice pulled out wage arrears from unscrupulous employers in favor of workers over UAH 354 million. This year the work has been extended, the Ministry of Justice plans to create separate executive groups on wage debt elimination all over the country next quarter.
(translated using google translate)