Analyzing the work of the judiciary in 2016, my colleagues and drew attention to the performance of the Executive Service of Ukraine. Unfortunately, the large and, in our view, strategically correct reforms, while naturally not give the desired result. Of course, due to the fact that the process of implementation of the legal framework and other actions are still pending. Even today this great project for Ukraine has not even passed the first stage stanovlyuyuchu. However due course the transparency and efficiency of the justice system, we can almost consider the numbers which is performance we have come in 23 years of independence.
As part of the judicial reform in Ukraine from 01.05.2017 entered into force a new version of the Law of Ukraine "On the bodies and persons engaged in the enforcement of judgments and other decisions of the organs" from 2.6.2016 number 1403-VIII (hereinafter - the Law № 1403-VIII ) and the Law of Ukraine "on Enforcement Proceedings" from 06.02.2016 № 1404-VIII (hereinafter - the Law № 1404-VIII), which make it possible in the near future to introduce in the country the institution of private executors. On the advantages and disadvantages of the reform of its regulatory support, ways of solving problems and a positive outlook for the future editorial LAWYER & LAW said Sergey Kraychinsky, managing partner of the "Toda groups" LLC.
During the first day of the workshop will consider the following issues: the status and objectives of the private artist; principles of private enforcement; principles of the enforcement proceedings; familiarization with the format tests for a qualifying exam private artist; prevention of corruption and conflict of interest in the private artist; economics of the private artist; psychological aspect of interaction between artist and private debtor; identify the debtor's property using registers and other sources of information; property which may be seized; verification of property of the debtor; general method of attachment of the debtor's property (description) ensure the removal and preservation of seized property; practical problems and recommendations for foreclosure of certain types of property; Sale of Debtors on the electronic auction; distribution of collected amounts and the return of unsold property of the debtor.
The company Toda groups will participate in the III Legal Banking forum.
Managing Partner Sergei Kraychynskyy Stanyslavochy speak at the forum on the topic "Private performers - a new legal entity."
According to the Law of Ukraine №1403 «About bodies and persons engaged in the enforcement of judgments and decisions of other bodies" in the current version of 02.06.2016r., In the legal field Ukraine introduces the concept of private artist. Today, most of the other related laws and regulations are brought in line with these changes. Currently, people who want to become the first private performers Ukraine, applied of training, to obtain the appropriate certification.