
Already a year there are laws that allow the work of private performers, and the boom in the new market has not yet begun. The lenders are as old as turning to the State Bailiff Service under the Ministry of Justice, since they consider that private executives are not able to compete with the state. Private performers - "pioneers" need to prove that they can levy debts more efficiently officials.

The appearance of the private enforcement agency may change the amount of the fee that the debtor will have to pay. At each change, the debtor will increase by 12%. This can spur the debtor more quickly with the payer.

The Center for Commercial Law issued a manual entitled "Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights in the Enforcement Proceedings". The methodical manual highlights the procedure and features of foreclosure of intellectual property rights as one of the assets of the debtor, due to the implementation of which can be fully or partially executed by a decision of a property nature that is in the conduct of a private or public executor

The experts of the EU Project "Support to Justice Reforms in Ukraine" and the Center for Commercial Law jointly developed the draft Statute of the nonprofit professional association "Association of Private Performers of Ukraine".

Reform in the field of executive decisions causes a lot of controversy and myths, despite the successful and effective experience of almost the whole world. The emergence of private performers has generated a lot of fears and stories about the fantastic incomes of representatives of the new profession. What is really happening, why reform should lead, and why so few people want to become private performers, we questioned Ruslan Sidorovich, people's deputy of Ukraine of the 8th convocation, co-author of the laws № 1404-VIII and 1403-19.

Next - direct speech.