
The Center for Commercial Law issued a manual entitled "Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights in the Enforcement Proceedings".

The Center for Commercial Law issued a manual entitled "Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights in the Enforcement Proceedings". The methodical manual highlights the procedure and features of foreclosure of intellectual property rights as one of the assets of the debtor, due to the implementation of which can be fully or partially executed by a decision of a property nature that is in the conduct of a private or public executor.

The manual considers the general characteristics of property rights of intellectual property as a subject of enforcement in the enforcement proceedings, discloses the strategy and tactics of identifying them in the debtor's property, the characteristics of the description, arrest, evaluation and implementation of such rights at the auction, as well as ways to solve certain problems that related to the legal registration of the transfer of intellectual property rights to which the collection was levied.

Methodical manual for private and public executives, arbitration managers, lawyers, legal advisers, patent attorneys, lawyers and lawyers in the field of intellectual property, teachers and students of legal institutes.

The manual was issued with the support of the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).

(translated using google translate)