
The norms of the Law “On Enforcement Proceedings” do not stipulate the obligation of the state executor to notify the debtor about the implementation of enforcement actions regarding the description and seizure of the debtor's property (funds).

Recently, at Prepius Law Firm and our colleague, the private bailiff Philip Andrew, we had the opportunity to chat and record an interview with one of the private bailiffs in England and Wales. Michael Jackson is a third-generation bailiff, because his family is a whole dynasty of bailiffs. Michael is also the Director of the High Court Enforcement Officers Association of England and Wales  and the Director of the Marston High Court Enforcement - the largest British association of judicial services and bailiffs.

APVU appealed to the Minister of Justice of Ukraine Denys Malyuska regarding the draft law №4330, as it "stops the European reform of enforcement of court decisions in Ukraine."

They talked with Tetyana Yareshvska about the "dark" side of a private performer's life, namely: conflicts, counteraction to the executor with physical resistance and other manifestations of the criminal code in the executor's life.

The Ministry of Justice amended the Regulations on the Disciplinary Commission of Private Performers approved by the order of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine dated November 27, 2017 № 3791/5, registered with the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on November 28, 2017 under № 1442/31310.