The Prepius company glad to present with its Code of Ethics.
The provisions of the Law of Ukraine “On Enforcement Proceedings” are only a general rule that defines the mechanisms that must be applied by enforcement agents in the process of enforcement of court decisions.
Together with the head of the ethics committee of private performers of Ukraine Serhiy Lysenko and private performer Mykhailo Korolyov, they tried to use a scientific method to place all the dots and commas on the issue of territoriality. Does territoriality of development and effectiveness of enforcement help in Ukraine? Is it possible in any other way?
After the interruption of the deadline for submission of the executive document for execution in connection with its submission for execution, the term begins again from the day after its return.
The current principle of the formulation of the disciplinary committee for private viconavtsy of Ukraine is discussed. To whom it is up to the warehouse of the committee to enter various private viconavtsi and chi maє mice buti, a practice is suitable.