
Svitlana Glushchenko meets a meeting with the delegation of the Kyrgyz republic

Deputy Minister for the Executive Service, Svitlana Glushchenko, met with the delegation of the Kyrgyz Republic headed by the Deputy Minister of Justice of the Kyrgyz Republic, Maksadbek Yeenaliev. The delegation also included representatives of the Supreme Court of the Kyrgyz Republic, the Bailiff Service, the Bailiff Service, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, and the International Development Organization's (ILLO) Advisor on Judicial Reform.

According to the Deputy Minister, the new judicial reform, which is being implemented in Ukraine since 2016, is unprecedented for our country, because it is connected not only with sectoral changes, but also with changes to the Constitution, the adoption of new laws, the creation of a new Supreme Court.

An integral part of judicial reform is the reform of enforcement of court decisions. In 2016, core laws were adopted that set about launching a comprehensive reform. The main innovation of the changes introduced was the creation of a mixed system of enforcement of decisions and the establishment of the institution of private performers.

"Currently, the Institute of Private Execution works, private executives have set up their own self-governing organization - the Association of Private Performers of Ukraine, there are regular Disciplinary and Qualifications Commissions, and private performers compete with both state executives and with each other. The result is a positive dynamics of execution of court decisions in Ukraine ", - said Svitlana Glushchenko

She added that the Ministry of Justice, on its part, continues to do its utmost to assist the performers: together with international partners and donors, organizes seminars, conferences, prepares and publishes specialized literature and manuals for the use of performers in daily work.

"Of course, we can not develop a private enforcement institution without developing a parallel state executive service. Recently, the Board of the Ministry of Justice approved the Passport of the enforcement of enforcement reform, which reflects the main priorities for which reform oriented, namely, the direction for voluntary execution of decisions, the timeliness, qualification and quality of implementation of executive actions and socially oriented decision-making process.

Svitlana Glushchenko expressed her hope for a successful exchange of experience and the signing of a Memorandum of Cooperation with the Kyrgyz Republic.

"I am convinced that this meeting will establish a solid foundation for our further cooperation. During the current round table, we will be able to share experiences and talk about reform in more detail, as well as be glad to hear about the experience of the Kyrgyz Republic in the development of the justice sector and reform of the system of enforcement of decisions, "summed up Svitlana Glushchenko.

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(translated using google translate)