
Sergey Shklyar: private experts demonstrate real results of work

The institute of private enforcement of judgments instituted in Ukraine demonstrates the first results - private executives have created competition in the market and effectively levy debts. This was stated by Deputy Minister of Justice on Issues of the Executive Service Serhiy Shklyar.

According to him, 111 private artists operate in all regions of Ukraine. The collectors may address all issues, in addition to the issues of eviction and the introduction of individuals, decisions on the confiscation of property, removal and transfer of the child, decisions on which collectors are the state, state bodies, decisions of administrative courts and the European Court of Human Rights, and a number of others. . "By the end of 2017, private executives completed the completion of 83% of the documents they were in work. This suggests that private executives are aiming for real results on the successful execution of court decisions ", - said Sergey Shklyar. He added: this year, the Ministry of Justice expects even better performance in the work of private performers, because in 2018 their number should increase substantially. "The Ministry of Justice set itself the task of providing an opportunity to pass the exam in 2018 to at least 800 people. We have a ready established permanent Disciplinary and Qualifications Commissions, examinations are held regularly, so we invite all those who wish to join this profession. The myth that selection is too difficult or even impossible is groundless. An examination of the right to become a private performer has already passed 359 people. 151 candidates, or 42%, successfully compiled it. This is a rather high figure. I emphasize: professionally trained, professional candidates successfully pass the exam and begin to work. The process of selection is constantly monitored by our international partners and donors, the New Judiciary project of the USAID agency and the EU-LAW-Justice project, said Sergiy Shklyar.

The Deputy Minister reminded that in order to become a private executor, a citizen of Ukraine must reach 25 years of age, have higher legal education not lower than the second level and experience in the field of law of not less than two years. All candidates must complete a course of study and pass a qualification examination, the issue of which has been developed by international partners of the Ministry of Justice.

Also, the requirement for the internship is put forward to the candidates, however, those who have the work experience of a state or private executor, a lawyer, a notary, an arbitration manager of at least one year or an assistant of a private performer for at least two years are released from it.

Anyone who has passed the exam will receive a certificate from a private artist. To get started, you need to insure your business and equip the office as required.

(translated using google translate)