
Private performers were able to make changes in the decision of the NBU

The National Bank of Ukraine took into account the proposals of the professional community of private performers. This is reported on the website of the Association of Private Performers of Ukraine.

The Association declares a “constructive reaction” to the proposals developed by the professional community of private executors, set out in the official letter of the Chairman of the Association Sergey Nikolayev No. 277 dated September 27, 2018 addressed to the Chairman of the National Bank of Ukraine Yakov Smolia.

The resolution of the NBU Board No. 23 dated January 28, 2019 “On Amendments to Certain Regulatory Acts of the National Bank of Ukraine” was officially published. We are talking about changes to the Instructions on non-cash payments in Ukraine in national currency, approved by the resolution of the

NBU Board No. 22 of January 21, 2004. The new edition of this document expands the powers of assistants to private performers who have been granted the right to deliver to banks:

- payment requirements / collection instructions (orders) of the recoverer, on which there is a signature of the responsible executor (paragraph four of clause 2.13 of chapter 2 of the Instructions);

- documents issued by the private executor about the arrest of the debtor’s funds (paragraph three of clause 9.1 of Chapter 9);

- a decision of the contractor on the withdrawal of the arrest from the debtor’s money (paragraph one of paragraph 9.11 of Chapter 9).

“Thus, the changes adopted by the above-mentioned resolution of the NBU board fully take into account the proposals of the ASCUU and create more favorable conditions for the effective implementation by private executives of their professional activities - the rapid implementation of decisions of courts and other bodies,” the Association noted.

Source: Legal Practice

(translated using google translator)