
The Ministry of Justice has launched a register of debtors against whom enforcement proceedings (auto translation)

As required by law, information about debtors included in the Unified Register of debtors should be open and should be placed on the official website Ministertsva Justice.

This registry is part of the automated enforcement system and created to publishing real-time information about unfulfilled property obligations of debtors.

Under current law, the executor at the same time taking a decision on the opening of enforcement proceedings must pay to the said register information regarding debtors who have obligations to the natural or legal persons by court decisions and decisions of other organs.

Thus, in the Unified Register of debtors should contain information on debtors against whom enforcement proceedings are registered in the system after the launch of the registry.

However, it should be noted that not to be entered information about debtors:

- Which are public bodies, local self-government;

- With no debt for executive document the recovery of periodic payments over 3 months;

- To address the non-property.

For information about the debtor are excluded from the Unified Register of debtors at the same time taking a decision to close the enforcement proceedings, the plaintiff return the executive document, returning the executive document to the court or on the day of establishment of the Executive fact no debt for executive documents for the recovery of periodic payments.