The Association of Private Performers of Ukraine announced that they are currently working on a draft Register of Decisions of the Disciplinary Commission of Private Performers. This is stated in the press service of the department.
"The disciplinary practice of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine remains a problematic issue for the entire community of private performers in Ukraine. The total number of punishments for the last 2 years of the commission's work has significantly increased. If in 2018 private performers had only 3 disciplinary sanctions, in 2020 there were 61.
The tendency to consider almost every complaint against a private contractor is also a matter of concern. If in 2018 private performers had only 5 meetings with 10 submissions, in 2020 - 24 meetings and 192 submissions, and as of August 2021 - 19 meetings with 204 submissions.
Why is this happening?
Not least because the private performers themselves still do not have full access to the information collected in a single system about the precedents of bringing their colleagues to disciplinary responsibility. Private enforcement agents, especially those who have started their activities relatively recently, still do not have access to all the information on disciplinary practices that will allow them to understand for which misdemeanor they can be severely punished. That is why they are guided in their activities by the experience, albeit often negative, of their colleagues.
The register of decisions of the Disciplinary Commission of Private Performers of Ukraine should solve this problem.
The developers of the draft Register, a member of the Disciplinary Commission of Private Performers Oleksiy Solomko and the Disciplinary Commissioner of APVU Olena Ovcharenko offer private performers a full database of decisions of the Disciplinary Commission:
- latest statistics
- the ability to sort cases by type of punishment
- the motivational part of the relevant decisions is given
- articles of legislation that served as a basis for prosecution.
Currently, Oleksiy and Olena are working to include in the draft Register also case law, which is devoted to the relevant decisions of the commission.
"We are confident that the Register of Decisions of the Disciplinary Commission of Private Performers will become an important source of information for private performers. Olena and I worked for a long time to ensure that private performers were properly protected, received all the necessary information and avoided mistakes that could cost them their work. The current policy of the regulator in relation to the institute of private performers of Ukraine has sufficiently hardened it for all 4 years of the profession's existence. Now the task of the community of private performers is to provide themselves with all the necessary information to protect their legal rights: and statistics, and information on specific decisions, and relevant case law. The register of DC decisions should solve this problem, ”commented Oleksiy Solomko, a project developer and a member of the Disciplinary Commission of Private Performers.
The Association of Private Performers of Ukraine carefully studied the draft Register and responded positively to the initiative. The technical possibility of developing a system of the relevant Register and its publication on a resource available to all private performers is already being discussed, ”the statement reads.