The National Bank of Ukraine (NBU) intends to oblige banks to report to the bodies of the State Bailiffs' Service or private executors on the opening and closing of accounts of individuals, information about which is entered into the Unified Register of Debtors.
According to the report, the relevant initiative is contained in the draft resolution of the Central Bank Board "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the National Bank of Ukraine", the text of which was published on the regulator's website for public discussion.
According to the NBU, the document was developed to comply with the requirements of the Laws "On Electronic Trust Services" and "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine on Creation of Economic Preconditions for Strengthening the Protection of the Right of the Child to Proper Maintenance".
The draft document also regulates the use of electronic signatures in electronic documents, in particular on electronic settlement documents.
In addition, the project abolished the provision for submitting to the bank a card with specimen signatures by individuals, entrepreneurs, individuals engaged in independent professional activities, and private individuals-non-resident investors.
The draft resolution also authorized the authorized officer of the bank to certify the power of attorney of a natural person-entrepreneur to be disposed of by his current account by trustees, if such power of attorney is made up of a bank (in the presence of the account holder and trustees), and also it is permitted to use the conditional storage account (escrow) operations on buying and selling real estate and enrollment on the current account of a non-resident physical person of the national currency, which is received on the territory of Ukraine with the help of the electronic payment instrument introduced by the legislation of Ukraine, issued by a non-resident bank, through an ATM / payment terminal of an authorized bank.
The draft proposes to amend the Instruction on the procedure for the opening, use and closing of accounts in national and foreign currencies, approved by the decision of the NBU Board dated November 12, 2003, No. 492, Regulation on the procedure for the implementation by Ukrainian banks of deposit (deposit) operations with legal entities and individuals, approved by the decision of the NBU Board dated December 3, 2003, No. 516, and Instructions on cashless settlements in Ukraine in national currency, approved by the NBU board resolution of January 21, 2004 No. 22 .
NBU will accept comments and suggestions for the project by October 24, 2018.
Source: Interfax-Ukraine
(translated using google translate)