

The order amended a number of n / p acts of the Ministry of Justice in the field of enforcement proceedings:

1.The rules for inspecting private performers have changed. Inspections may be suspended due to temporary incapacity for work or inability to stay in the office from 10 to 18. During the specified period of the inspection, the private contractor is obliged to: be at work from 10 to 18 hours; create conditions for the inspection.

2.The rules of the meeting of the disciplinary commission of private performers have been approved. The private executor may participate in the consideration of the issue (case) independently and / or through his representative. Participants in the meeting, participants in the disciplinary case and others present at the meeting of the Disciplinary Commission are obliged to: comply with the instructions of the chairman to maintain order during the meeting; not to create obstacles for the normal course of the meeting and to refrain from moving around the hall, conversations, remarks during the meeting; turn off or mute cell phones and any other devices or hardware that may interfere with the meeting.

3.The procedure for appealing the decision of the state executor on imposition of a fine is established. Complaints are considered by a higher body (senior official) within ten days from the date of their receipt, unless otherwise provided by the laws of Ukraine. When considering a complaint against a decision in a case of an administrative offense, an official of the higher body checks the legality and validity of the decision and makes one of the decisions:

leaves the decision unchanged and the complaint unsatisfied; cancels the decision and sends the case for retrial; cancels the decision and closes the case; changes the penalty measure within the limits provided by the normative act on liability for an administrative offense, but so that the penalty is not increased.

4.It is possible to provide the Ministry of Justice with an executive document, the amount of which is beyond its control. The claimant may provide an executive document, the amount of the obligation for which is not subordinate to the relevant department of enforcement of decisions to: the department of enforcement of decisions of the Department of State Enforcement Service of the Ministry of Justice; Department of Enforcement of Decisions of the Department for Enforcement of Decisions of the Interregional Department of the Ministry. This is allowed if enforcement proceedings (consolidated enforcement proceedings) on recovery of funds from the debtor specified in this executive document are pending in this department.

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