Ighor Shcherbakov
Ighor Shcherbakov

Private bailiff executive district of c.Kyiv


Igor Shcherbakov has a high level of knowledge in various fields of law. On the very front - in the sphere of effective execution of court decisions and decisions of other bodies.

Has experience of qualitative, reasoned preparation of legal documents with a legal position, full pre-trial preparation of cases, representation in courts of various instances, state authorities and local self-government. Freely owns a normative base.

Advises clients on various legal issues. From 2012 to present, it provides free legal assistance for injured war victims who have been injured or contused during hostilities.

For many years, the main direction of Igor's activity was the return of receivables, legal support for the return of leasing and credit equipment (cars, construction and agricultural machinery) from the debtor to the lessor.

Igor Shcherbakov has an active life position, constantly raising his professional level. Participates in the reform process of Ukraine, legislative initiatives. So in June 2017, within the framework of reforming the system of execution of court decisions, successfully passed the exam and one of the first to receive a certificate of a private performer. Since then, he has been acting as a private executor of the executive district of Kyiv.


  • Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University - Master of Law